Migration & Integration



In European societies, the question of how to integrate people with a migration background into the host society and which rights to grant them, has become increasingly important. Research and education in the field of migration have turned out to be highly relevant, if not a major necessity.



Current Projects:



Connecting Communities

Multilingual women are creating a multilingual radio.


With Connecting communities, the project leaders have set the goal to develop adequate and local learning opportunities for women with a migration background in the rural areas of Steyr, Kirchdorf an der Krems and Voitsberg. This independent radio stations plays a special role: it is a learning center, a meeting place and an important media and communication tool. The acquired knowledge about interesting subjects for the communities is transported to the outside world in the form of a self-designed radio show, by the local women.


You can find here a detailed description of this project.





EmMI: Empowerment of women migrants in order to strengthen the psychological well-being, and to promote the cultural sensitivity of health enhancing and pre-emptive psycho-social services providers, a project conducted by Danaida in cooperation with PERIPHERIE, sponsored by Fonds Gesundheit Österreich.


Under this project, PERIPHERIE led an analysis on the health situation and the needs of migrant women as well as an activating health expert survey and was in charge with the evaluation of the project.


For more information about this project, please click here.



Standpunkt Bildung

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What motivates second generation migrants to undertake adult learning and what stops them? Are there differences between rural and urban regions regarding needs and requirements as well as opportunities to participate in education? Which conditions promote successful educational careers? The project Standpunkt Bildung looks into these and other questions through an innovative cooperation between adult education and research in which all network-partners bring along their long-standing experience and expertise in the areas of women's education, lifelong learning, educational disadvantage and last but not least in dealing with integration and inclusion


For more information about this project, please click here.



Completed Projects



The research project MIQUAM ( migrants, training, labor market ) examines the labor market situation of highly skilled migrants in Styria.


For more information about this project, please click here.



Integration of women migrants in Styria


Intercultural awareness - education - self-help


This project investigates and analyzes the "intercultural orientation" of the Styrian authorities, of the psychosocial counseling services and relevant training programs for social workers. Based on the analysis, several training activities (eg dealing with difference and diversity) and events are designed for different target groups.


For more information about this project, please click here.